Thursday, September 3, 2020


THE EXTENDED FAMILY A SOURCE OF STRENGTH AND HOPE expositions THE EXTENDED FAMILY: A SOURCE OF STRENGTH AND HOPE In his books Grapes of Wrath and Of Mice and Men, John Steinbeck caught the truth of the battles that struck humanity in various structures and in different levels as he had seen during his lifetime. Steinbeck watched chiefly Californians and vagrants who had experienced neediness and pain brought to them by the Depression and the Dust Bowl, the residue storm that carried dry season to the Great Plains during 1932 to 1939. He started to compose books to identify with and energize the numerous discouraged individuals whom he had viewed. Steinbeck proposed a strategy for solace and alleviation to the individuals who were separated from everyone else and enduring; he examined the hugeness that a more distant family has in giving its constituents the solidarity to adapt to their monetary uncertainties and social issues. Because of the Dust Bowl and the Depression that hit the United States in the thirties, numerous Oklahomans encountered an abrupt surrender from their proprietors. Since most Oklahomans were ranchers, many were left jobless once they were commenced their territory. For endurance, this monetary fiasco brought about two unique instances of responses: that of Muley Graves and that of the Joads. Steinbeck presented a character, Muley Graves, who turned into a poor person since he was excessively joined to the land to leave and too free to even consider abiding with his family that had left, making a trip to California. Too obstinate to even think about budging, Muley just frowned, If they distract me, Ill return... I aint a goin...An I aint a-going while at the same time remanding behind by the land that not, at this point was under his family control or home, eating wild creatures to endure. Notwithstanding, an alternate attitude of the ranchers was appeared through the Joads. At the point when their territory was removed, for endurance, Joads didn't stop for a second to leave their property on the double: their homes were left empty on th... <!

Tuesday, August 25, 2020

Leadership Style Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

Authority Style - Essay Example authority guarantees that pioneers and workers associate in various manners and hence assemble cozy connections that advance advancement inside the association. Transformational authority is the best initiative style since it doesn't just concentrate on the outcomes, yet in addition the procedure by which results are figured it out. The most indispensable part of transformational initiative is that it permits pioneers to rouse, move, and energize their devotees in a way that advances singular development and improvement (Kuckartz, 2010). Also, pioneers are urged to bridle and support gifts, aptitudes, and information controlled by representative. As it were, this style of authority makes it simple for pioneers and their devotees to recognize their places of solidarity and hence find approaches to develop, create, or improve by and by and expertly. With regards to transformational administration, both the procedure and the outcomes are basic. The procedure cultivates cozy connections that in this way upgrade popular communications. For the outcomes, inspiration and motivation are obvious in the association undoubtedly. For instance, pioneers who grasp social decent variety and advance the equivalent in an association assume a significant job in creating changed abilities inside the

Saturday, August 22, 2020

Critical Thinking Exercises Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Basic Thinking Exercises - Essay Example As an expert, the information that ought to be surveyed and dissected to decide if the Ford Motor Company is victimizing their workers on account old enough is the accompanying: the age of the representatives, the year the representatives was recruited, and whether the workers have reached or is moving toward the time of retirement. To start with, the age of the workers would be assessed on the grounds that the claims were asserting that the Ford Motor Company is victimizing age. Should the Ford Motor Company be oppressing age, the times of most workers should go inside the more youthful age sections, contingent upon the age after which the Ford Motor Company believes representatives to be more established. Second, the year the representatives were recruited is significant on the grounds that, in the Title VII class activity age and converse segregation suit, President Jacques Nasser was blamed for taking out more seasoned workers since he needed to construct his supervisory crew with more youthful workers. The year the workers were recruited would help decide if the representatives were utilized on with the Ford Motor Company during Nasser's administration. In conclusion, regardless of whether representatives have reached or are moving toward the time of retirement is significant on the grounds that it would settle the motivation behind why more established workers who have reached or are moving toward the age... Furthermore, the Ford examination framework is reasonable in that it rates the workers on work execution. Representatives ought to play out their activity well so as to keep up their situation at the organization. Portage has a lot to offer their representatives, and they most likely received the constrained segregation way to deal with taking out their workers since they expected to take out the workers that were utilized however not playing out their employments well. 8.1 - Workplace Diversity Training The assorted variety program that will be intended for approaching green bean will, first, comprise of preparing towards the entirety of the ethnicities of the college. Further, all ethnicities of the college will be spoken to on the grounds that the green bean will, undoubtedly, experience the entirety of the ethnicities at any rate once during their term as an understudy at the college. Second, the assorted variety program will comprise of preparing for both male and female understudies. Ladies are not by any means the only ones that have issues with racial remarks or inappropriate behavior in the work environment. Men are additionally exposed to this treatment. Therefore, the preparation ought to be outfitted towards the two people. Third, the green bean will be gone into bunches where they will pretend circumstances in which they may get themselves. All ethnicities of the college probably won't be spoken to in the understudies present, yet the pretends will incorporate a content for all ethnicities.Males will find assorted variety and badgering in the work environment from a female's point of view, and the females will get the chance to depict the guys. The various ethnicities will get an opportunity to depict another ethnicity and understand the circumstances with which they are introduced. The decent variety program will likewise have preparing

Interesting place free essay sample

On the off chance that you accepted the house you were living in was spooky would you escape town or would you attempt to suit your home for your spooky visitor? Me myself I would run and never return, anyway one lady by the name of Sarah Winchester concluded that she would give settlement to her spooky guests in her entire seven story manor. A while ago when I was in center school me and my grandmother was viewing the revelation channel and a piece entered which they were discussing this peculiar riddle house, we were living in the cove zone at that point and my grandmother turned out to be intrigued they were currently doing voyages through the house in San Jose California and she needed to take me and my mother. The house was reputed to be spooky so I didn’t truly need any pieces of that trip, I wound up getting tricked into taking the outing at any rate. We will compose a custom article test on Fascinating spot or on the other hand any comparable theme explicitly for you Don't WasteYour Time Recruit WRITER Just 13.90/page This was by a wide margin the most odd spot I have ever been as well. Before I talk about my excursion anyway I should give you a little history exercise on who Sarah Winchester was. The Winchester puzzle house is a chateau in San Jose California; it was at one time the individual living arrangement Of Sarah Winchester the widow of the firearm making big shot William Wirt Winchester. Winchester rifles were known as the â€Å"guns that won the west†. Sarah and William Winchester had first lived in Boston in the late 1800’s, their lone kid passed on as a newborn child and not long after Sarah Winchesters spouse William had kicked the bucket of a disorder. As you can envision Sarah Winchester went into a profound discouragement. She minded her own business and she turned out to be keen on the soul world, In actuality she accepted that phantom had slaughtered both her significant other and her little girl. Presently to begin with the frightening stuff, legend says during a seance she spoke with her better half on the â€Å"other side† when I state opposite side I mean she was conversing with her dead spouse William Winchester. During their â€Å"talk† he offered her some guidance on the most proficient method to shield herself from the shrewd spirits of American Indians, Civil War fighters and others executed by Winchester rifles that ended the lives of both him and their little girl. During their discussion her significant other trained her to move west and make a house that would suit for the spirits. Here’s the trippy part as long as development of the house never stopped Sarah Winchester could have confidence that her life was not at serious risk. So move west she did she found an old homestead house and transformed it into a chateau, the house was ceaselessly being built on in actuality there were changes made to the house each and every day for a long time until the day she passed on. Obviously cash was no issue to Mrs. Winchester the rifle business had her basically rich always, during the visit I recollect the visit manage saying she made around a thousand dollars every day, so the expense of development was actually no issue. This lady may have been insane however she had lovely taste, her home was delightful, unusual yet exceptionally excellent. The was mahogany and marble all over, sculptures, a dance hall and 3 lifts, even a lift that moved on a level plane rather than vertically, unique right? In any case, there are explanations behind everything this lady did to her home as I discovered during the voyage through the house. The visit control disclosed to us that she would surrender it over to us to choose why Winchester truly fabricated the house in the way she did, however on the off chance that we truly needed to comprehend the unusual in her, at that point you would need to comprehend that Sarah Winchester accepted spirits were consistently around her and she accepted that she was in line with the soul world. She likewise advised us to not wander away from the gathering or that we could get lost for a considerable length of time. The house contains numerous highlights that were utilized to trap or befuddle spirits. To get around the house you need a guide, the house was large enough to be a high rise and was fabricated strangely. There were flights of stairs that prompted the roof, entryway that would open to block dividers or various flights of stairs, in one case, while we were on the third floor the visit control opened an entryway that prompted the outside air. There aren’t any mirrors in the colossal chateau since Winchester accepted phantoms feared their own appearance. During the visit it got extremely frightening when the visit revealed to us we were gone to the seance room and that it would take us around 10 to 15 minutes to arrive. Sarah Winchester was jumpy and she didn’t need any terrible spirits to follow her to her private seance room, so the course to the room resembled a labyrinth. We would stroll through a to an entryway in the entryway in this passage, open the entryway and it’s a widow to move through that prompts a flight of stairs that prompts another corridor. Unexpectedly during the visit I recollect the visit control saying â€Å"get prepared for this†. She pressed a catch and a board flew back towards us she stepped on it and floated over from one side of the complex of her home another, after she sat tight for us too all skim over she opened a window in that side of the house and we as a whole move through not to the outdoors however to another dropping flight of stairs that prompted a way to an upwards step case on a similar level as in the past, all inside the house. At long last we got to a passage that prompted an entryway that was the seance room. We were unable to go into the room anyway in certainty there were numerous rooms in the house that were not to be seen by general society, that made things simply that progressively frightening to me. Sarah Winchester was such a loner, that when the leader of the United States Theodore â€Å"Teddy Roosevelt stayed with her manor, nobody opened the front entryway for her. Truth be told the pricey mahogany entryway was just utilized once by Mrs. Winchester the day it was introduced. Very little is known about this ladies since she minded her own business she moved away from her family and didn't stay in touch with her , she didn’t even keep a diary so nobody truly recognizes what was happening in this woman’s head. That’s what makes it so intriguing to me, creep and strange yet by a wide margin the most fascinating spot I have ever been still.

Friday, August 21, 2020

Case analysis Study Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words

Examination - Case Study Example He talks in a surge of words that allude to the world and how â€Å"screw up it is†, when he thinks about back the horrible experience he experienced. Indications of PTSD can be enacted by sounds, recollections, and dreams connected to the past injury (American Psychiatric Association, 1994). What's more, seeing the items or the individuals who may have taken some part in the injury may trigger the manifestations of PTSD. He frantically needs to call his sister since he feels that she could be a wellspring of comfort when he is in issues. Jack shows post-horrible pressure indications, which are characterized into three DSM IV classifications. First is the relentless re-encountering of the occurrence, which is additionally alluded to as the meddling signs. In this classification, the casualty could be encountering clear memories, bad dreams and a sentiment of re-living the episode. Second is the steady avoidance of any boosts, which may help them to remember the horrible condition. At last, is where the casualty encounters hyperaousal condition that causes hepervigilance, rest interference, and surprise reflexes (Yehuda et al. 2002) . The outcome of every one of these practices is some degree of mental mutilation, which keeps the casualties from partaking in their day by day exercises. Different signs incorporate terrible temper, enthusiastic obligation, disturbance, and here and there ejection of rough conduct. On the off chance that Jack isn't treated on schedule, he may result to substance maltreatment trying to look for self prescription. Contingent upon the length that Jack has experienced this issue since he encountered the horrible mishap, the turmoil can be arranged dependent on the DSM IV 4 including intense pressure response, intense PTSD, ceaseless PTSD and postponed beginning of PTSD. A multiaxial Diagnostic System ordinarily meant as DSM-IV-TR utilizes demonstrative framework with 5 levels utilized in the characterization of disarranges and ailments. These five levels help whoever is giving a

Monday, August 10, 2020

MPA App Deadline (with fellowship consideration) COLUMBIA UNIVERSITY - SIPA Admissions Blog

Four days post the MIA/MPA App Deadline (with fellowship consideration) COLUMBIA UNIVERSITY - SIPA Admissions Blog The first application deadline has passed and the admissions staff is busily processing all submitted applications.     A few of the submitted applications are missing a couple of items so they are in our Awaiting materials bin until completion.   However, the majority of the applications submitted are complete and have already moved forward for review.     Congrats! But we did notice a couple of applicants mistakenly did not complete all three required essays: Why are you interested in pursuing your MIA or MPA degree at SIPA? How will a degree (and intended concentration/specialization) from SIPA enable you to achieve your career goals? Describe your academic and research interests and career objectives. Be sure to include details regarding the features of SIPA that you believe are integral to helping you in your career pursuits.(400 words maximum) What policy/public service issue(s) are you passionate about and has personally motivated you to make an impact on the world? What have you done thus far to lead change and promote social good?” (200 words maximum) What will your classmates be surprised to learn about you? (200 words maximum) If you are a re-applicant, you will also need to respond to the Re-applicants Only essay: How have you enhanced your candidacy since your previous application?   Please detail your progress since you last applied, and address how you plan to achieve your post-MIA/MPA and long-term professional goals. (500 words maximum). There is also an optional essay for any applicant who has something more to say about their candidacy.   There is no word limit; however, use some discretion and keep it within reason. Please make sure all your materials are submitted by the indicated deadlines for consideration.   If you forgot to upload required materials and clicked the submit button No worries, you may still upload them into your application.   If you have trouble doing it yourself, please let us know.   You can find a checklist of required admission-related items on our website. You may track your application status by logging back into your application account any time.   Materials submitted and received will be reflected as we process them this may take up to 10 days.   If you are reading this post over the weekend, dont check now and freak yourself out there was a glitch in the system today that changed all received materials to awaiting material status so if you submitted and you see this in your application status, relax.   We got you.   The tech team is working on this and will have it resolved early next week.   An application that is (submitted and) complete goes to the Admissions Committee for review.   Once an admission decision is reached, you will receive an email to check your account again (this will happen in March); so dont lose your application log in information. For now, dont lose sleep and enjoy your weekend.

Thursday, June 11, 2020

Sun Life Stadium - Free Essay Example

Joshua Lyke ENC 1101 Prof. Abbondanza Description Essay Word count 1,137 Sun Life Stadium â€Å"†¦And that’s another Miami Dolphins first down! † The crowd roars with approval as their hometown team advances down the field, driving for a touchdown. This is the now familiar sound to me out of Sun Life Stadium, home to the Miami Dolphins football team along with the Florida Marlins baseball team. Foam fingers, football jersey’s, and the smell of shirtless Dolphin fan’s in the humid South Florida heat all add up to the perfect Sunday afternoon on those very memorable occasion’s. Throughout my life I had always longed for my chances to hitch a ride with a family member or friend, being the backup plan for a spare ticket. And when my opportunities came I never hesitated to take the hour long ride down to that modern age coliseum. Which for Sun Life Stadium the term â€Å"coliseum† is the most proper description as its architectural beau ty surely rivals that of Rome’s historical battlegrounds, the atmosphere can be felt from miles around to all who come to embrace the spirit of competition that is within its confides, and the long lasting memories I’ve experienced while there are to be held closely to me and each member of this brotherhood of football fans. Truly Sun Life Stadium is a place worthy of being considered more than just a tourist attraction. I hold a special significance to this stadium as I have been there before and had the pleasure of enjoying that age old test of skill called professional sports. Sun Life Stadium is known well for its architectural beauty, such as the unique swirling ramps alongside the corners of the stadium. These ramps are used to transport spectators through the level system up the stadium, while doing so also building up anticipation. Once I’ve arrived to the tunnels leading out to the stadium seats I notice the beautiful view of the spacious parking lot filled with thousands of fellow spectators, all flooding the entrance. Stepping upwards through the long dark tunnel I notice a wide wave of bright orange with speckles of vibrant teal. Next to attract my eyes are the enormous crystal clear scoreboard’s standing on either end of the massive bowl, replaying every game changing second of play in high definition. Two seated decks angled to focus attention on the field below allow even those in the â€Å"nose-bleed† section to get a good look at the action. Sun Life Stadium is constructed to hold over seventy-five thousand people on any given Sunday. The stadium itself rests on two-hundred and eighty acres of land; one-hundred and sixty of those acres comprise what resembles an over-sized orange bowl. Progressing down the nearly infinite steps I approach a specially formatted field close to one-thousand square feet, groomed to transform between a fully functional football and baseball field. All those who attend an event at Sun Life Stadium are sure to marvel at its strikingly elegant simplicity. Competition is what has driven even the most primitive sports and the atmosphere around Sun Life Stadium is purely that, seeping into the veins of all the die-hard fans traveling towards its gates. Suspense is usually the overwhelming emotion felt within the audience as they sit on the edge of their seats, hopeful for a miracle comeback or perhaps to retain their narrow lead. As I walk around the spiral ramp towards my seat I listen to the roar of the crowd, simultaneously chanting with the announcer. People are all around me arguing over statistics, team records, and star players all trying to show their team pride. Store windows are lined with various memorabilia, selling any common item that a team insignia can be slapped on. Hundreds of concession stand employees shouting over the passing crowd, trying to entice potential customers with the thoughts of delicious treats and thirst quenching r efreshments. Approaching the field, floor-shaking stomps can be felt under my feet spreading outwards on the grey floor. The loud thuds of clashing pads or the crack of a bat are followed up with the shouting of coaches as strategies for both teams are being given. In the end some have to walk away defeated and some victorious, either way the spirit of the game continues even after Sun Life Stadium is far out of my rear view mirror. Although I have many fond memories of Sun Life Stadium they all have come in just a few visits. Growing up I never had the fortune of season tickets or the pleasure of heading down to Miami on Sunday to watch my favorite team play. However, once I was near eight years old some friendly neighbors at the time took notice to my passion for sports. I still remember the day they took me to my first baseball game, I was anxious to say the least. Once I got there it was better than I had hoped for, watching a homerun soar over the left field wall off the bat of my favorite player Mike Lowell. In the souvenir shop I got a Marlins t-shirt and a poster to hang on my wall at home. A few years later some relatives of mine decided to treat me to my first Dolphins football game as a birthday present. Even though I had been to Sun Life Stadium once before it still felt like a new experience. Outside the stadium I got my first chance to tailgate, we had a few subs as I played a game of football with some fellow Dolphin fans. After finding my seat I looked around and got a sudden feeling of being under prepared. Everyone seemed to either have their face painted or was dressed from head to toe in orange and teal. How I was dressed didn’t seem to matter to them, I still got a high five and an â€Å"oh yeah! † every time the Dolphins made a good play. I never remembered a hotdog tasting as good as it did when I went for a halftime snack. I have so many memories from just those few hours of fun, and every one of them I hope I can relive soon. In short, Sun Life Stadium is a shining example of how far professional sports have come. The stadium represents the art and mysticism of a coliseum in a modern form, has an atmosphere filled with strong emotions, and brings great memories to everyone in the audience. Sun Life Stadium has been remodeled and had a few name changes, but its purpose stays the same. It is a meeting place for all who won’t settle for watching the game from the couch, a common ground for those who consider face painting an art form, and a sanctuary to games that have stood the test of time.