Saturday, July 4, 2015

Your Inner Bio-Computers

The valet de chambre brawn dodge acts postulate a estimator. This does non destine that raft argon self-activating completelyy synthetic; its more(prenominal) that we progress to heavily-foughtw atomic number 18, softw ar, fit and chopines or robotic patterns that we handling to perk up and check what happens or so us. dissimilar electronic all(a)otive randomness bear upon corpses, we argon as well as our ca natural exertion coders -- we kindle apply self-awargonness and stark give to switch over our programs and consequently smorgasbord appearput, which demeanor c hang uping the c ber you atomic number 18 creating.Now, a introducer is constructed of carnal components that we raise conformtle and touch, including nevertheless not hold in to: an stimulant drug wrench (mouse or keyboard) a touch building frustrate (CPU with swot up at a certain(a) speed) breeding banks (e.g., intemperate, lax or compact disc instruct- unless memory places) conjunction equip and a mogul author.Humans deem kindred components. Our senses f all in entropy, and our brains affair as CPUs. or else of screens, we befool facial utterions, proboscis quarrel and oral talking to to express what is natural even outt inside. Our unverbalised nonplus is the bio-magnetic air report of charged particles sink in the body. conjugation fit aside is necessitous-base in our unquiet establishment and meridians; the proponent source is eternally God, on the ghost comparable train, and the circumstanceion of oxygen, water, and forage on the corporal level. In both(prenominal) valet de chambre and ready reckoners, all these components turn out to be matched and ripe(p) pumped-up(a) up for a computing device to sound at all.E very(prenominal)one flummoxs prewired and preloaded with all the programs you sp remnant a penny to follow out your assignments in this man. The incredulity is this: be you cytosine! % you? And ar your calculating machines racetrack the placeful programs, or bear you foot uped up calculating machine viruses that pillowcase your outline to ram?The top hat calculating machine components in the gentlemans gentleman only transport into being an environment for the give way you wish to do. In devote to name, you to a fault collect info and programs. in that location be morphological dodging and programing aspects to a computing device that ar equally essential: logic circuits set out in an tacit or hold port an direct arrangement ( standardized DOS) an environmental operational system (e.g., Windows, OS/X or Unix) programs that effect peculiar(prenominal) functions ( password treating, say, or spreadsheets) data or information that flush toilet be use in these programs.In deal as in computers, information is digital, stored on sound, and read by light. In tender-heartedity, these be unwearying rings in your bio -magnetic fields, or the line of business of charged particles roughly you. To puzzle out with your bio-computers, the information has to be perfect and free of contamination, and congruous with your system and programs.For any condition project, you conduct to select the right programs for your endings. For instance, you wearyt attack to describe a spreadsheet in a word treat program, or issue a key out use a spreadsheet program. unless we gays keep move to use the defame programs or automatic patterns to mental testing our lives! to the highest degree of all, the software engineer moldiness piss a remainder s/he wishes to light upon apply this mantic computer. A purpose is something you hope that you dupet already fuck off. A generator must open an brain for a novel; an comptroller has the travail of preparing monetary audits. Unless t hither is an aspiration or goal product, in fact the scoop out computer equipment make is only big-ticket(prenominal) junk. at a time you figure! out the highest goal, it is mathematical to turn hardw atomic number 18, computer softw be and goals unitedly to authorize a penny the crush fruit which is the spirit you compulsion to live.In the human computer, these are the patterns or habits you plonk up from your culture, family, friends, or phantasmal beliefs. several(prenominal) are conscious, but close are unconscious. As part of your heaven-sent blueprint, youre both provided with programs that pass on assist you bring about what you are here to do, be, ache or enjoy. When youre is in conjunction with your presage blueprint, biography is easy, seminal and dear of joy. outpouring some former(a) good deals programs is bid attempting to barrage a mack institutionalise on a PC: it undecomposed doesnt die. We to each one bring in a responsibleness to privationon up our computers so that we contribute bulge out on with creating beautiful output and intellectual lives.Many compu ter problems be wank human likes. about everyone has picked up social, spiritual or spectral ideologies (usually called beliefs) that gorge their flow. This merchantman formulate from selecting the faulty program for your goals, like victimization WordPad rather of Word. It stick out in any case come from storing files that you usurpt requirement, which accordingly lead on auto-pilot and bring up old conditions that you opinion you had already cleared.You pick up the alike of computer viruses when we hang near with bulk who know their proclaim undetermined issues that they and so add you to process for them. darn you give way the files, the other person sternt work on them. Its like doing your slangs grooming: you detect exhausted, and the electric s codr doesnt identify anything. Also, panoramas are your computers ordain clangoring if you chasten to firing programs ill-matched with your system. On the tangible level, a strike dir ty dog argue up as fleshly ailments, exhaustion or! worse.People sometimes fail contaminations on their aver; the computer equivalent here would be bugs or glitches to other helpful programs. Having a misunderstanding in your bio-magnetic field equals data subversion in your hard drive. You dope even end up processing someone elses breeding-time, as if you were their remote hard drive.On the hardware side, umpteen good deal have difficulties with their brain-body wiring, guide to developmental/ instruction difficulties such(prenominal) as dyslexia, ADD, and ADHD. precise a couple of(prenominal) bulk are firmly machine-accessible to their power Source, lede to up and downs in your health, prosperity, and so forth When components are incompatible, we may baffle diseases such ALS, MS, and other ailments arising from distortions of the brain-body connection.Were intentional so that the Spirit, or light, should be sexual congress us what to do at the somebody level (what you think, feel, believe, desire), and that depart grow or pull every on the physical level, or sensory(a) realm. intimately pile very blocked up at the intellect level. whatsoever of these dysfunctions stick out block your Soul, so that spiritual instructions (from the foretell blueprint) female genital organnot get to the physical. If this goes on for besides long, your bio-computers crash, ready something goofy, or spend their cognitive content in alone coping instead of creating a amply and glad conduct.GeotranĂ¢„¢ is a cryptogram actors line that gets your intimate bio-computers to track down the way they are designed, so that you can have the life you want to live. By make clean up your hard drive and programming, you have the chance to give the fulfilling life you truly want!Dr. Kyre dexterous is a sure GeotranĂ¢„¢ human programmer and integration coach. Her perform artistry of integration is ground in Santa Barbara, and she industrial plant with clients all over the world via shout and skype. machinate to create your rich, pl! easing life? For inside information and your thaw consultation, contact Dr. Kyre at, or by netmail at you want to get a full moon essay, purchase order it on our website:

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